Wreckers and Car Removals in St Albans Victoria

Discovering a reliable car wrecker who provides top-dollar payment in exchange for well-maintained used parts may pose a difficult work. Furthermore, it can be challenging to locate a service that can pick up your junk vehicle in St Albans and provide reasonable compensation in exchange for it. At this webpage, our goal will help you in both of buying and selling, providing you with help required to simplify the transaction.

TOP 10 Auto Wreckers in St Albans VIC

  1. 1
    Swedish Wreckers

    Swedish Wreckers

    34/36 Slater Parade, East Keilor VIC 3033

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.6 (50)

    If you're in need of top-notch auto parts in the neighbourhood of this town in Victoria, search no more than this local company. Whether you require a price estimate for your old automobile or a specific used part, they can assist you via: website, email or phone.

  2. 2
    Viking Motors

    Viking Motors

    34 Slater Parade, Keilor East VIC 3033

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.6 (27)

    This wrecker in the vicinity of Keilor East (Victoria) delivers guaranteed used replacement parts that can substantially lessen your car repair expenses. Contact them through: email, phone and website. More information: The Viking Motors is open from Monday to Friday. Other users have left 27 opinions in relation to this...

  3. 3
    BJ's Auto Wrecking

    BJ's Auto Wrecking

    8 Bailey Ave, Keilor East VIC 3033

    Car wreckerClosed now 5 (5)

    Minimize on your vehicle repair expenses by getting warrantied second-hand replacement parts from this well-known wrecker in the Keilor East in the state of Victoria. They're open from Monday to Friday. In addition, you can check 5 opinions written by other users.

  4. 4
    Just Rotaries

    Just Rotaries

    145/147 Australis Dr, Derrimut VIC 3030

    Car wreckerClosed now 4 (1)

    Offering top-quality car parts, this business in Derrimut, is the perfect place to turn to for your automobile's needs. Reach out to them for a quote on your used vehicle or ask about a particular used part, contacting them via: website or phone.

  5. 5


    21-29 W Circuit, Sunshine West VIC 3020

    Car wreckerClosed now 3.5 (10)

    When it comes to top-notch auto parts, this nearby recycler in Sunshine West, has got you covered. Inquire about a quote for your used vehicle or a specific second-hand component by reaching out them through: website or phone.

  6. 6


    15-21 Fraser St, Airport West VIC 3042

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.7 (47)

    By purchasing pre-owned pieces with a warranty from this renowned automobile wrecker in the Airport West area in Victoria, you can greatly diminish your vehicle repair costs. They work from Monday to Friday.

  7. 7
    East Keilor Wreckers

    East Keilor Wreckers

    18 Disney Ave, Keilor East VIC 3033

    Car wreckerClosed now 3.3 (75)

    This specialized business in Keilor East, is proud to deliver great quality vehicle components to their nearby visitors. Get in touch with them for a price estimate on your old vehicle or to inquire about a specific used part, by going through this contact method: website, email or phone.

  8. 8
    Gold Car Removals & Cash For Cars Buyer Melbourne

    Gold Car Removals & Cash For Cars Buyer Melbourne

    159 Ashley St, Braybrook VIC 3019

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.8 (159)

    With a focus on high-quality car parts, this company in Braybrook, is the best place to turn to for your automobile's needs. Get in touch to them for a price estimatation on your previously owned vehicle or ask about a particular used part, contacting them via: website or phone.

  9. 9
    Junk Car Removals Melbourne

    Junk Car Removals Melbourne

    29 First Ave, Sunshine VIC 3020

    Car wreckerClosed now 5 (12)

    Providing high-quality car parts, this business in this city in Victoria, is the perfect place to turn to for your car's needs. Reach out to them for a price estimatation on your old car or inquire regarding a specific used part, contacting them through: email, phone and website.

  10. 10
    Wreckeroo Car Wreckers & Cash For Cars

    Wreckeroo Car Wreckers & Cash For Cars

    18-20 Plummer Rd, Laverton North VIC 3026

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.1 (91)

    This company, can be found in Laverton North, located in Victoria. They specialize in providing top-notch auto parts to their loyal purchasers. To request about a price estimate for your previously owned car or a specific used part, you can get in touch with them through: email, phone or website.

Frequently Asked Questions about vehicle wrecker services near St Albans

Which vehicle wreckers are operating on Saturdays within St Albans?
Following an extensive review of our companies diretory, we have gathered this finding: East Keilor Wreckers open from 9AM to 1PM, Gold Car Removals & Cash For Cars Buyer Melbourne open from 8AM to 5PM and Junk Car Removals Melbourne open from 8AM to 6PM.
Any idea when the information about this most recently changed?
The most recent update for this business listing was on: 6 April 2023.
Which type of automobile can I sell to a junkyard?
You may sell any kind of autos to a wrecker, including automobiles, trucks, vans, SUVs, and even motorbikes. It does not make any difference if the vehicle is actually functioning or even not, or even if it's got already been damaged in an crash. These businesses usually buy autos in any all state, and will either salvage them for spare parts or recycle them for scrap metal. Nonetheless, it's always advisable for you to contact the junkyard first of all in order to verify they accept the type of auto you have and get a price quote.
How might I get if I get rid of my vehicle to an junkyard in St Albans?
When you choose to get rid of your auto to a car wrecker in St Albans, the business will assess its value prior to making an offer. If you accept the proposition, you must deliver information about the vehicle and sign over the ownership to the wrecker. After the required documentation is finished, the recycler will arrange to have the vehicle transported away their yard. Based on its condition, they may either sell it as is or dismantle it for parts. In either case, you will receive compensation for the car, while the wrecker takes care of getting rid of the remaining components or scrap metal.
Are St Albans wreckers interested in junk cars?
Yes, like many other Australian wreckers, they buy used automobiles. These businesses are usually enthusiastic in acquiring cars that are not roadworthy or in need of significant repairs, as they can retrieve worthy pieces and recycled metal from them.
If you decide to sell your second-hand car to a wrecker, you can expect to receive a price depending on its overall shape, the demand for its pieces, and what scrap metal is currently worth. Although the total you receive may be lower than a private buyer would offer, selling it to one of these companies is often a trouble-free and stress-free way to dispose of a vehicle which is no longer serving your requirements.
It's important to note that Australian, wreckers may have different policies and standards when it comes to purchasing second-hand cars. Therefore, it's recommended that you look into it and compare prices to discover a company that meets your needs and offers fair prices.
Which types of vehicle wrecker businesses can I locate near St Albans?
Located in this city, you'll discover numerous types of wrecker services that you can choose from. A few of the most frequently used ones include: auto wrecker, towing service, auto parts store and motorcycle repair shop.
Note that not all auto wreckers provide every one of these services. It's recommended that you confirm with the specific wrecker to be able to establish what facilities they provide.

Searching for used spare parts in St Albans These businesses might have what you need.
You'll find numerous diverse businesses located in the vicinity of this metropolis in which you can purchase excellent pre-owned vehicle spares. Here, we will feature a renowned selection which offers the finest assurances: Caroline Springs Auto Wreckers.
Require a prompt tow truck assistance, who can one dial?
When you're pressed for time and need to find a phone quickly, our users often turn to one of the most popular we offer: Maple Towing: 0415 559 839.