Wreckers and Car Removals in Bendigo Victoria

Seeking out a reliable recycler of vehicle pieces who delivers good prices in exchange for premium second-hand pieces may be an arduous task. Additionally, it can be difficult to locate a wrecker that doesn't only removes your non-operational auto in Bendigo, but furthermore gives fair remuneration for it. Luckily, this site exists to help you with both obtaining and disposing of, supplying the essential support to make the whole procedure is less complicated. Our team is committed to ensuring your simpler as well as ensuring the fact that you obtain the available assistance for your car demands.

TOP 10 Auto Wreckers in Bendigo VIC

  1. 1
    Bendigo Motor Wreckers

    Bendigo Motor Wreckers

    188 Murphy St, East Bendigo VIC 3550

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.2 (101)

    For superior auto parts in this town in Victoria, this business has everything you could need. Reach out to them through: website, email and phone to inquire about a price estimate on your previously owned auto or to request a particular second-hand component.

  2. 2
    Midlands Wrecking & Hire PTY LTD

    Midlands Wrecking & Hire PTY LTD

    222 Upper California Gully Rd, Eaglehawk VIC 3556

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.1 (91)

    Residing in the Eaglehawk (Victoria) neighborhood, this auto wrecking yard offers an extensive catalog of used auto parts. To get in touch with them through: website or phone. They are open Monday to Saturday. Other users have left 91 thoughts in relation to this vehicle wrecker.

  3. 3
    Readies 4x4

    Readies 4x4

    714 Epsom-Barnadown Rd, Huntly VIC 3551

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.2 (10) 8 miles

    If you're looking to minimize on your auto repair expenses, consider getting warrantied pre-owned spare parts from this well-known auto wrecker situated in the surroundings of Huntly, in Victoria. They work from Monday to Saturday. This business has been voted 10 times by our purchasers.

  4. 4
    D.M.B Truck Dismantlers

    D.M.B Truck Dismantlers

    6/135 Allingham St, Golden Square VIC 3555

    Truck parts supplierClosed now 5 (1)

    If you live in the Golden Square (Victoria) area, this auto breaker's yard offers an extensive catalog of second-hand auto pieces. They can be easily reached by: phone or website. They are open Monday to Friday. This vehicle wrecker has been voted 1 times by other users.

  5. 5
    Triumph Performance Parts

    Triumph Performance Parts

    72 Main St, Maldon VIC 3463

    Motorcycle parts storeClosed now 4.6 (30) 20 miles

    When it comes to superior auto parts, this nearby recycler in this city in Victoria, has you covered. Ask about a quote for your old car or a particular junk spare by reaching out them through: website, email and phone.

  6. 6
    Burson Auto Parts Kyneton

    Burson Auto Parts Kyneton

    46 Mollison St, Kyneton VIC 3444

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.5 (82) 35 miles

    If you're seeking to cut down on your car repair expenses, think about purchasing guaranteed second-hand parts from this renowned car wrecker placed in the surroundings of Kyneton area, in Victoria. They are open from Monday to Saturday. This business has been rated 82 times by other purchasers.

  7. 7
    Bolton Motorcycles

    Bolton Motorcycles

    10 Bourke St, Kyneton VIC 3444

    Motorcycle parts storeClosed now 4.6 (170) 36 miles

    This wrecker in the surrounding area of Kyneton (Victoria) offers guaranteed second-hand spare parts that can significantly reduce your car repair expenses. Get in touch with them through: website or phone. They are open Monday to Saturday. Other users have placed 170 reviews in relation to this wrecker.

  8. 8
    Central Motor Wreckers

    Central Motor Wreckers

    836 Humffray St S, Mount Pleasant VIC 3350

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.2 (166) 61 miles

    Located in this municipality in Victoria, this company is specialized in providing premium car parts to their loyal purchasers. For a quote on your old car or to inquire about a particular used part, simply contact them via: website or phone.

  9. 9
    Ozwide 4x4

    Ozwide 4x4

    10 Reserve Rd, Melton VIC 3337

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.5 (46) 66 miles

    This car wrecker yard in the surrounding area of Melton (Victoria) offers warrantied second-hand replacement parts that can significantly reduce your vehicle repair costs. Contact them through: phone and website. They work from Monday to Saturday. Other users have placed 46 thoughts about this business.

  10. 10
    MMM Auto Centre

    MMM Auto Centre

    18/20 Rushwood Dr, Craigieburn VIC 3064

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.7 (105) 70 miles

    Residents of Craigieburn (Victoria) can check out a massive inventory of used auto spares at this vehicle wrecker. If you need to ask for a price quote for your old vehicle or particular second-hand part, you can reach out to them through: website, email or phone. They're open Monday to Friday. Other users have placed...

Frequently Asked Questions about vehicle wrecker services in Bendigo

Why can I expect once I trade in my automobile to an auto salvage yard in Bendigo?
When you opt to sell your auto to a vehicle dismantler in Bendigo, they will assess its value before making an offer. To accept the proposition, you'll have to provide details about the car and sign over the ownership to the wrecker. After the necessary paperwork is completed, the recycler will make arrangements to have the car transported away their yard. Depending on its state, they will either sell it as is or dismantle it for pieces. Regardless, you'll receive payment for the car, while the wrecker takes care of disposing of any remaining components or scrap metal.
Which types of vehicle wrecker services can I find in Bendigo?
Located in this city, you'll discover several types of wrecker services that are available to choose from. Some of the most common ones consist of: auto wrecker, auto parts store, truck parts supplier, motorcycle parts store, car repair and maintenance service and towing service.
Remember that not all auto wreckers provide every one of these services. It is suggested that you confirm with the specific wrecker in order to find out what services they present.

Looking to buy used spare parts in Bendigo? Check out these businesses.
There are countless diverse businesses in the neighboring region of this city where it is possible to buy top-notch pre-owned vehicle spares. Here, we are going to showcase a renowned choice which offers the top warranties: Readies 4x4.
Looking for an immediate towing assistance, who should one get in touch with?
Looking for a phone but don't have time for an extensive search? Our most popular numbers are a top choice among our users: Cheap tow: 0426 696 086.
Judging from customer reviews, what is deemed the best local wrecker in Bendigo?
As per visitors to our website's visitors and their ratings, the wrecker within the area of this city has been revealed to be: Bendigo Motor Wreckers.
What vehicle wreckers are operating on Saturdays within Bendigo?
Following an thorough analysis of our companies diretory, we have obtained this outcome: Midlands Wrecking & Hire PTY LTD open from 9 AM to 12 PM, Ozwide 4x4 open from 9AM to 1PM and Rusty Ford Wreckers open from 11 AM to 3 PM.
How dependable is this information?
One possible method of defining a credible or trustworthy source is to consider the specific context where it will be used. Typically, a specialist in the appropriate subject area will acknowledge a source as credible or credible if it has been used for a particular purpose. However, since the may vary according to context, it becomes important to use a suitable method assessment methodology that matches one's specific requirements. Always, keep in mind that this notion of reliability depends on the specific situation in which it will be used.
The data we have for this directory is obtained through validated internet-based sources in addition to the companies included on our database. These businesses frequently update their contact information to guarantee its reliability and up-to-dateness.
Furthermore, our group of professionals conducts a hands-on review of every change made in our directory. We also match it with the primary source to confirm that the data we offer is precise and reliable.

I'd like to know, when was the details for this most recently modified?
The most recent revision for this business listing was made on: 6 April 2023.