Wreckers and Car Removals in Greenacre New South Wales

Going to a the car wreckers near Greenacre is the most effective way to acquire premium replacement pieces that have warranties. Here on this section, you'll be able to view a directory of every listed businesses in the area of this location. You are able to click on any of the entries to see information on how to contact them.

TOP 10 Greenacre's Auto Wreckers

  1. 1
    ALL for DGM Spares Wrecking

    ALL for DGM Spares Wrecking

    61 Rosedale Ave, Greenacre NSW 2190

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.3 (19)

    For top-quality vehicle pieces in Greenacre, this business has everything you could need. Reach out to them through: phone to request about a quote on your previously owned vehicle or to inquire about a specific second-hand component.

  2. 2


    33 Claremont Ave, Greenacre NSW 2190

    Car wreckerOpen now 5 (146)

    Located in Greenacre, this business is specialized in providing premium car parts to their nearby purchasers. For a quote on your previously owned car or to request a specific second-hand component, simply get in touch with them via: website, email and phone.

  3. 3
    Affordable Wreckers

    Affordable Wreckers

    28 Claremont Ave, Greenacre NSW 2190

    Car wreckerClosed now 3.7 (55)

    Residents of Greenacre (New South Wales) can browse through a massive inventory of pre-owned auto spares at this auto wrecker. In case you require to request a price quote for your old vehicle or particular second-hand part, getting in touch with them is easy as you can contact them via: phone. Additional info: They work...

  4. 4
    AK Motors weebly

    AK Motors weebly

    68 Claremont Ave, Greenacre NSW 2190

    Car wreckerClosed now 5 (1)

    By purchasing second-hand parts with a warranty from this famous automobile wrecker in the Greenacre area in New South Wales, you can significantly reduce your auto repair costs. They are open Monday to Sunday.

  5. 5
    Commercial Wreckers R US

    Commercial Wreckers R US

    44 Rosedale Ave, Greenacre NSW 2190

    Car wreckerClosed now 3.8 (18)

    Providing exceptional vehicle spares to the people of Greenacre, this business is dedicated to delivering their visitors with the best possible service. To get a quote for your old automobile or inquire about a particular second-hand component, contact them through: website and phone.

  6. 6
    Car Scrap Sydney

    Car Scrap Sydney

    15 Rosedale Ave, Greenacre NSW 2190

    Car wreckerClosed now

    Offering top-quality vehicle components, this business in Greenacre, is the best place to turn to for your automobile's needs. Get in touch to them for a price estimatation on your previously owned car or inquire regarding a specific used part, contacting them through: phone, email or website.

  7. 7
    Sydney Auto Dismantlers

    Sydney Auto Dismantlers

    46-48 Claremont Ave, Greenacre NSW 2190

    Used auto parts storeClosed now 4.9 (400)

    When it comes to top-notch car parts, this local recycler in this city in New South Wales, has got you covered. Request about a price estimatation for your old automobile or a particular junk spare by contacting them through: website or phone.

  8. 8
    AAA ALL FOR CARS Same Day Service

    AAA ALL FOR CARS Same Day Service

    33 Claremont Ave, Greenacre NSW 2190

    Car wreckerOpen now

    For top-quality vehicle pieces in Greenacre, wrecker has got you covered. Get in touch to them through: website or phone to inquire about a quote on your previously owned auto or to request a particular used part.

  9. 9
    Beresford Auto Parts and Accessories

    Beresford Auto Parts and Accessories

    1st Floor/40 Beresford Ave, Greenacre NSW 2190

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.8 (35)

    For top-quality car parts in this town in New South Wales, wrecker has everything you could need. Reach out to them via: phone to inquire about a quote on your used auto or to request a particular used part.

  10. 10
    Commodore Spares & Repairs

    Commodore Spares & Repairs

    15 Rosedale Ave, Greenacre NSW 2190

    Auto parts storeClosed now 3.8 (17)

    Save on your vehicle repair expenses by buying guaranteed pre-owned replacement parts from this famous automobile wrecker in the Greenacre area in the state of New South Wales. Additional info: They work from Monday to Saturday. This wrecker has been rated 17 times by other purchasers.

Frequently Asked Questions about auto wrecker services in Greenacre

I'd like to know, when was the information about this last revised?
The update for this business listing was last made on: 6 April 2023.
What car wreckers are operating on Saturdays located in Greenacre?
Following an thorough analysis of our companies repository, we have acquired this outcome: AAA ALL FOR CARS open all day, AK Motors weebly open from 9AM to 5PM and Commercial Wreckers R US open from 9AM to 1PM.
How trustworthy is the information?
A potential method of defining a credible or trustworthy source can be to consider the specific situation in which it will be used. Typically, an authority in the appropriate subject field would validate a source as reliable or credible when it is used in a specific purpose. However, since the may differ depending on the situation, it is important utilize a suitable method evaluation technique that fits your specific needs. Consistently, bear in mind that the notion of reliability depends on the specific situation where it is applied.
The information compiled for this directory is sourced from authenticated internet-based platforms in addition to the organizations included in our database. These businesses consistently review their details to guarantee its validity and up-to-dateness.
Furthermore, our staff of professionals performs a hands-on review of every update made in our directory. We additionally compare it with the original source to verify that the data we offer is correct and dependable.

Judging from customer reviews, what is considered the top local wrecker in Greenacre?
As per our website's users and their ratings, the best wrecker within the area of this city is revealed to be: ALL for DGM Spares Wrecking.
Require an immediate towing service, who can I call?
Need a phone but don't have much time to spare? Our users love our most sought-after numbers: Super Towing Greenacre: 0406 110 110.
Want to find businesses selling used spare parts in Greenacre?
There are plenty of diverse enterprises within the vicinity around this city where you'll be able to purchase top-notch second-hand vehicle spares. Here, we shall highlight a well-known selection which gives the top guarantees: Sydney Auto Dismantlers.
Which types of car wrecker businesses can I locate in Greenacre?
Within this location, you'll discover several types of wrecker services that you can pick from. Among the most popular ones consist of: auto wrecker, auto parts store, towing service and car repair and maintenance service.
Remember that not all auto wreckers provide each of these services. It is advised that you contact with the individual wrecker in order to determine what facilities they offer.

Are Greenacre wreckers willing to purchase second-hand cars?
Yes, just like many other Australian wreckers, they buy junk automobiles. These auto wreckers are usually enthusiastic in purchasing vehicles that are no more in good condition or requiring major fixes, as they can salvage valuable spares and recycled metal from them.
When you sell your second-hand car to a wrecker, they will typically offer an amount depending on its state, the demand for its components, and what scrap metal is currently worth. While the amount you get may be lower than a private buyer would offer, selling it to one of these companies is often a convenient as well as stress-free way to get rid of a vehicle which is not serving your needs.
It's worth keeping in mind that in Australia, wreckers may have different rules and criteria when it comes to purchasing pre-owned automobiles. Therefore, it's advised that you do some investigation and shop around to find a company that matches your preferences and provides reasonable rates.