Wreckers and Car Removals in Bathurst New South Wales

Checking out one of the many car wreckers near Bathurst can be the optimal solution to acquire high-quality replacement components that come with warranties. At this particular webpage, you'll be able to view a directory that includes each and every available enterprises in the vicinity around this city. You are able to click on any of the entries to view contact information.

TOP 10 Auto Wreckers in Bathurst NSW

  1. 1
    Auto Parts Central Bathurst

    Auto Parts Central Bathurst

    36 Bant St, Bathurst NSW 2795

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.6 (38)

    Obtaining guaranteed pre-owned spare parts at this renowned wrecker in the vicinity of Bathurst (New South Wales), can help you save a substantial sum of money on fixing your loved automobile. Additional info: They work from Monday to Friday.

  2. 2
    Burson Auto Parts

    Burson Auto Parts

    106-108 Russell St, Bathurst NSW 2795

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.5 (32)

    Save on your car repair expenses by getting guaranteed pre-owned replacement parts from this renowned car wrecker in the Bathurst area in the state of New South Wales. Additional info: They work from Monday to Saturday. Other customers have shared 32 opinions about this vehicle wrecker.

  3. 3
    Bathurst Auto Parts

    Bathurst Auto Parts

    25 Kirkcaldy St, Bathurst NSW 2795

    Auto parts storeClosed now 3.6 (35)

    For top-quality car parts in this town in New South Wales, wrecker has everything you could need. Reach out to them through: website or phone to request about a price estimate on your previously owned car or to inquire about a particular second-hand component.

  4. 4
    Bathurst Towing

    Bathurst Towing

    6 Hampden Park Rd, Kelso NSW 2795

    Towing serviceOpen now 4.7 (29)

    This committed company in Kelso, is happy to offer superior car parts to their loyal purchasers. Get in touch with them for a quote on your previously owned car or to inquire about a specific used part, by using this contact method: phone or website.

  5. 5
    Supercheap Auto Bathurst

    Supercheap Auto Bathurst

    3 Stockland Dr, Kelso NSW 2795

    Auto parts storeClosed now

    When you are in need of high-quality vehicle pieces near the neighbourhood of city town in New South Wales, search no more than this local company. Whether you need a price estimation for your previously owned car or a specific used spare, they can assist you via: website or phone.

  6. 6
    Great Western Auto Wreckers

    Great Western Auto Wreckers

    1700 Forest Rd, Orange NSW 2800

    Car wreckerClosed now 4.3 (131) 29 miles

    Living in the Orange (New South Wales) area, you have access to a wide variety of used vehicle spares at this auto salvage yard. Getting in touch with them is easy, you can use this method(s) of contact: website, email and phone. More info: They work from Monday to Saturday.

  7. 7
    Burson Auto Parts

    Burson Auto Parts

    74 Peisley St, Orange NSW 2800

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.4 (23) 29 miles

    Residing in Orange, New South Wales, you can save considerable amounts of money on your vehicle repairs by getting used pieces from this famous vehicle wrecker. They're open from Monday to Saturday. Other users have left 23 opinions in relation to this business.

  8. 8
    Auto Parts Central Lithgow

    Auto Parts Central Lithgow

    221 Main St, Lithgow NSW 2790

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.7 (25) 33 miles

    Purchasing warrantied second-hand pieces at this renowned wrecker in the surrounding area of Lithgow (New South Wales), can help you save a considerable sum of dollars on repairing your cherished car. More info: The Auto Parts Central Lithgow is open from Monday to Friday.

  9. 9
    Burson Auto Parts

    Burson Auto Parts

    151 Mort St, Lithgow NSW 2790

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.9 (17) 34 miles

    Inhabitants of Lithgow (New South Wales) have an opportunity to an extensive catalog of pre-owned vehicle parts at this car wrecker. Getting in touch with them is easy, as you can get in touch with them taking profit from this method(s): phone or website. The Burson Auto Parts is open from Monday to Saturday.

  10. 10
    Supercheap Auto Orange

    Supercheap Auto Orange

    Lot 7 Bathurst Rd, Orange NSW 2800

    Auto parts storeClosed now 28 miles

    For superior car parts in this town in New South Wales, this business has everything you could need. Get in touch to them via: website or phone to request about a quote on your previously owned auto or to inquire about a specific second-hand component.

Frequently Asked Questions about auto wrecker services in Bathurst

What vehicle wreckers are available on Saturdays within Bathurst?
Following an comprehensive analysis of our businesses diretory, we have obtained this result: Great Western Auto Wreckers open from 8:30 AM to 1 PM.
How valid is this information?
The method of defining a reliable or credible source can be to consider the specific situation where it is used. Typically, an expert in the appropriate subject field would validate a source as credible or reliable if it is used for a specific need. Nevertheless, since the may differ according to context, it becomes essential utilize a appropriate source assessment technique that fits one's particular needs. Consistently, keep in mind that the notion of credibility relies on the particular situation in which it will be used.
The data compiled here comes from authenticated internet-based sources as well as the companies listed on our database. These companies regularly check their contact information to ensure its reliability and up-to-dateness.
In addition, our group of professionals performs a hands-on review of each modification made to our directory. We additionally compare it with the primary source to confirm that the data we offer is accurate and dependable.

Just wondering, when was the details for this lastly updated?
This business listing was last updated on: 6 April 2023.
Which type of car may I sell to a scrapyard?
One may sell any type of motor vehicles to a wrecker, such as automobiles, pickups, minivans, SUVs, and perhaps motorcycles. This does not matter if it is actually running or not, or even if it has already been damaged in an a incident. These businesses will often buy autos in any any state, and either will reclaim them for replacement pieces or scrap them as scrap metal. Nevertheless, it's usually advisable for you to get in touch with the wrecker initially to make sure that they will take your auto that you own and receive a price quote.
Why will I receive once I get rid of my car to an auto wrecker in Bathurst?
If you decide to sell your car to a car wrecker in Bathurst, the business will assess its worth prior to making you an offer. If you accept the proposition, you'll have to provide information about the car and sign over the ownership to the wrecker. After the necessary documentation is completed, the recycler will arrange to have the vehicle transported away their yard. Based on its condition, they will either attempt to sell it without dismantling or take it apart for spare parts. Regardless, you'll get compensation for the vehicle, while the wrecker deals with getting rid of any remaining components or metal scraps.
Are Bathurst wreckers interested in second-hand cars?
Yes, like many other Australian wreckers, they purchase used automobiles. These dismantlers are often enthusiastic in buying automobiles that are no longer in good condition or needing extensive repairs, as they can retrieve valuable pieces and recycled metal from them.
In the event that you sell your second-hand vehicle to a wrecker, you'll usually be offered a price determined by its overall shape, the demand for its components, and what scrap metal is currently worth. While the total you get could be less than what you would get from selling your car to a private buyer, selling it to one of these businesses can be a convenient and stress-free way to discard a vehicle which is not serving your requirements.
It's worth keeping in mind that Australian, wreckers may operate under diverse policies and standards when it comes to buying used vehicles. As such, it's suggested that you conduct some research and shop around to find a business that meets your needs and offers equitable rates.
Which types of car wrecker services can I locate in Bathurst?
Located in this location, you can find various types of wrecker services that are accessible to choose from. A few of the most frequently used ones are: auto parts store, towing service, auto wrecker and car repair and maintenance service.
Remember that not every auto wreckers supply every one of these services. It's recommended you contact with the particular wrecker to establish what services they offer.

Where can you find used spare parts in Bathurst?
You'll find countless diverse enterprises within the vicinity around this urban center where it is possible to obtain top-notch pre-owned auto parts. Here, we will feature a well-known selection which provides the top warranties: Auto Parts Central Bathurst.