Wreckers and Car Removals in Port Pirie South Australia

Visiting a the many car wreckers near Port Pirie will be the best way to get premium replacement components that come with warranties. On this section, you will be able to see an inventory of all listed companies within the region surrounding this municipality. It is possible to choose on one of the entries to expand information on how to contact them.

TOP 10 Auto Wreckers in Port Pirie SA

  1. 1
    Autopro Port Pirie

    Autopro Port Pirie

    78 Esmond Rd, Port Pirie SA 5540

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.7 (140)

    Residents of Port Pirie (South Australia) neighborhood have access to a massive inventory of pre-owned car pieces at this auto wrecker. You can get in touch with them through: website or phone. They work from Monday to Sunday. This wrecker has been rated 140 times by our visitors.

  2. 2
    Repco Port Pirie

    Repco Port Pirie

    17 Wandearah Rd, Port Pirie South SA 5540

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.5 (61)

    Inhabitants of Port Pirie South (South Australia) have the opportunity to explore a broad range of second-hand auto spares at this auto wrecker. In case you require to ask for a quote for your used auto or a specific second-hand part, you can reach out to them via: website or phone. The Repco Port Pirie is open Monday...

  3. 3
    Supercheap Auto Whyalla

    Supercheap Auto Whyalla

    132-134 Mcdouall Stuart Ave, Whyalla SA 5600

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.2 (221) 30 miles

    Obtaining guaranteed second-hand replacement parts at this well-known car wrecker in the surrounding area of Whyalla (South Australia), can help you reduce a substantial sum of money on repairing your cherished vehicle. More info: They are open from Monday to Sunday.

  4. 4
    Downing Auto Wreckers

    Downing Auto Wreckers

    LOT 652 Daniel Terrace, Port Augusta SA 5700

    Car wreckerClosed now 3.7 (13) 52 miles

    If you live in the Port Augusta (South Australia) neighborhood, this auto recycler's yard offers an extensive catalog of used vehicle pieces. To get in touch with them by: phone. They work from Monday to Friday. This business has been voted 13 times by our visitors.

  5. 5
    Auto One Port Augusta

    Auto One Port Augusta

    6B Augusta Hwy, Port Augusta SA 5700

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.6 (177) 49 miles

    Located in this municipality in South Australia, this business is specialized in selling premium car parts to their nearby customers. For a price estimate on your old car or to inquire about a particular second hand piece, just get in touch with them through: website and phone.

  6. 6
    Autopro Port Augusta

    Autopro Port Augusta

    2 & 3, 41 Tassie St, Port Augusta SA 5700

    Auto parts storeClosed now 4.3 (103) 51 miles

    Obtaining guaranteed second-hand replacement parts at this renowned wrecker in the area of Port Augusta (South Australia), can help you save a significant amount of money on repairing your loved vehicle. More info: The Autopro Port Augusta is open from Monday to Sunday.

  7. 7
    Wrecking Plus More Port Wakefield

    Wrecking Plus More Port Wakefield

    1 National Highway A1, Port Wakefield SA 5550

    Auto parts storeClosed now 69 miles

    When it comes to top-notch vehicle spares, this local company in Port Wakefield, has got you covered. Request about a quote for your used vehicle or a particular second-hand component by contacting them via: website and phone.

Frequently Asked Questions about auto wrecker services near Port Pirie

Which types of auto wrecker businesses can I locate in Port Pirie?
In this location, you can find several types of wrecker services that are accessible to choose from. A few of the most popular ones are: auto parts store and auto wrecker.
Remember that not all auto wreckers supply all of these services. It is recommended to confirm with the specific wrecker in order to establish which facilities they present.

Are Port Pirie wreckers buying pre-owned autos?
Yes, similar to many other Australian wreckers, they acquire second hand cars. These businesses are usually keen in buying vehicles that are not usable on the road or needing extensive fixes, as they can reclaim valuable pieces and scrap metal from them.
If you decide to sell your second-hand automobile to a wrecker, they will typically offer an amount based on its overall shape, the demand for its components, and the current market price for scrap metal. While the total you receive may be lower than what you would get from selling your car to a private buyer, selling it to one of these companies is often a trouble-free and hassle-free approach to dispose of a vehicle which is no longer serving your requirements.
It's important to note that Australian, wreckers may operate under diverse guidelines and criteria when it comes to buying pre-owned vehicles. As such, it's recommended that you conduct some research and compare prices to discover a business that suits your requirements and provides equitable rates.
According to customer reviews, which one is considered the top local wrecker near Port Pirie?
As per the website's users and their ratings, the best wrecker in the region of this city is revealed to be: Downing Auto Wreckers.
Want to find businesses selling used spare parts in Port Pirie?
You'll find numerous diverse enterprises located in the vicinity of this urban center that it is possible to purchase excellent pre-owned vehicle parts. Here, we are going to highlight a famous option that offers offers the top assurances: Autopro Port Pirie.
Can I receive installation support from the car wrecker for the parts I purchase from them?
Certainly, it's doable to receive assistance from the auto wrecker in placing the parts you buy from them. Still, you might need to ask with them beforehand to ensure if they provide fitting services or if they can recommend a trusted mechanic or garage for the installation. Some car wreckers might offer fitting services for an additional charge, while others may not have the means or expertise to offer this service. It's always advisable to clarify this before making a purchase to prevent any misunderstanding or disappointment.
Are unregistered vehicles accepted by Aussie car wreckers usually?
Certainly, many Australian car wreckers will accept non-registered vehicles. Still, it's always best to ask with them personally to verify if they have any particular requirements or limitations for accepting non-registered vehicles. Some car wreckers may demand additional documentation or proof of ownership, while others could only take non-registered vehicles for scrap or parts. It's important to verify these particulars ahead of time to steer clear of any confusion or complications when trying to get rid of a non-registered vehicle.
Just wondering, when was this listing most recently updated?
The date of the most recent update to this business listing is: 6 April 2023.
How valid is this information?
A potential way of defining a reliable or credible source can be to consider relevant context in which it will be used. Typically, an expert in the appropriate subject field would acknowledge a source as credible or reliable when it is used for a specific need. Nevertheless, since this may vary according to the situation, it becomes essential to use an appropriate method evaluation methodology that fits your particular needs. Consistently, bear in mind that this concept of reliability relies on the specific situation where it will be applied.
The data compiled for this website is sourced from validated internet-based sources as well as the businesses included in our database. These companies regularly check the contact information to ensure its validity and currency.
Moreover, our team of professionals carries out a hands-on assessment of each modification made to our directory. We furthermore compare it with the primary source to verify that the data we present is accurate and trustworthy.

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